Acornsoft titles

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Acornsoft titles

Post by BernardUK »

I forgot to ask Jon at the ROUGOL meeting whether old Acornsoft titles originally written for the BBC Micro were
(a) ported to run under RISC OS
(b) available to the preservation project.
I ask because a program such as Snapper was (to me) much more appealing than Pac-mania.
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Re: Acornsoft titles

Post by JonAbbott »

A few were ported by individuals, Chuckie Egg, Labyrinth, Jet Set Willy off the top of my head.

Labyrinth has been archived, strictly speaking they're not commercial releases and were certainly not authorised, so releasing them under the project would be tricky.

TBH you'd be better of running the originals under a BBC emulator.
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Re: Acornsoft titles

Post by davidb »

I vaguely remember talking to someone on the comp.emulators.misc newsgroup in the early 1990s who claimed to have done ports of Rocket Raid and some other titles, apparently automating the process by doing 6502 to ARM code translation. They said that they had shown the ports to Superior Software to see if there was any interest in doing some quick releases for the newly released 32-bit machines, but Superior weren't interested, feeling that the games wouldn't be up to the expected standard for the machines.

It would be nice to be able to corroborate this story somehow. :)
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