MusMod 2 QTM v0.06 available

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MusMod 2 QTM v0.06 available

Post by JonAbbott »

Source and MusMod2 module on the dev site.

Changes from 0.05:

- Added *Mus2QTM_Linear_Effects to convert effects to log format when they're first played (fixes Jahangir Khan and Omar Sharif)
- Mus_Mus_Routines added
- QTM is now initialised to 8 channels as Mus2QTM initialises (fixes Omar Sharif which doesn't have music)
- Effects channels are now centred
- Mus_Repeffect added (fixes Omar Sharif)
- Mus_Instruments stub code added


Battle Chess
Chuck Rock
Hero Quest
Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash
James Pond
Mad Professor Mariarti
Manchester United Europe
MiG-29 Fulcrum
Oh, No! More Lemmings
Omar Sharif's Bridge
The Krisalis Collection: Revelation! [BUZZ version]
S.W.I.V. [BUZZ version]
Speedball 2

Known issues

Battle Chess - !Battle.NOTHING won't play (worked around I believe by changing the !Run script)
Manchester United - !!MUFC!!.ZilchMus won't play, so the music doesn't stop when you start a game
Lemmings 2 - hangs during loading
Nebulus - music isn't starting (it was in 0.05, so I've broken something)
Quest For Gold - samples are the wrong pitch
The Krisalis Collection: Terramex - no sound when using the old music

Outstanding development

Mus_Patch - Requires QTM extending to support this (entry R0=songpos, R1=songpos). When songpos hits value in R1, jump to songpos in R0
Mus_Sector - Possibly protection related
Mus_Instruments - Requires QTM extending to support this (no entry values, exits R0-R3 containing the instrument no. currently playing in channels 1-4)
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Re: MusMod 2 QTM v0.06 available

Post by JonAbbott »

JonAbbott wrote:Manchester United - !!MUFC!!.ZilchMus won't play, so the music doesn't stop when you start a game
This isn't the cause of the issue. I've modified the code so no error is reported when loading this file and the music still doesn't stop. Will investigate further.
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Re: MusMod 2 QTM v0.06 available

Post by JonAbbott »

The reason the music doesn't stop when starting a match in Manchester United is that it issues the following calls:

Mus_Sector &38E, &BB, 0 (which calls the Teque_Hackers SWI in TeqMod)

I believe this reads 187 (&BB) sectors (95744 / &17600 bytes) from &71C00 on the disc, which must be a music track. I'll disassemble TeqMod and see if Teque_Hackers can be implemented in the shim.

Another interesting observation is that when on the menu it issues Mus_Laidback after every animation change, I wonder if this is used to slow the game down.
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Re: MusMod 2 QTM v0.06 available

Post by steve3000 »

JonAbbott wrote:- QTM is now initialised to 8 channels as Mus2QTM initialises (fixes Omar Sharif which doesn't have music)
Try using QTMv1.44a and only 4 channels again, with QTM_PlaySample R0=-1 - this should now work perfectly!
JonAbbott wrote:Battle Chess - !Battle.NOTHING won't play (worked around I believe by changing the !Run script)
Manchester United - !!MUFC!!.ZilchMus won't play, so the music doesn't stop when you start a game
These might/should work now with QTM v1.44a
JonAbbott wrote:Mus_Patch - Requires QTM extending to support this (entry R0=songpos, R1=songpos). When songpos hits value in R1, jump to songpos in R0
This will need big work... Which games does it affect?
JonAbbott wrote:Mus_Instruments - Requires QTM extending to support this (no entry values, exits R0-R3 containing the instrument no. currently playing in channels 1-4)
Try using QTM v1.44a SWI QTM_ReadChannelData

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Re: MusMod 2 QTM v0.06 available

Post by JonAbbott »

steve3000 wrote:
JonAbbott wrote:- QTM is now initialised to 8 channels as Mus2QTM initialises (fixes Omar Sharif which doesn't have music)
Try using QTMv1.44a and only 4 channels again, with QTM_PlaySample R0=-1 - this should now work perfectly!
I actually preferred it as it was, I'll put both modules up so you can compare and see what you think. BlowPipe is the worst case scenario, so give that a go.
steve3000 wrote:
JonAbbott wrote:Mus_Patch - Requires QTM extending to support this (entry R0=songpos, R1=songpos). When songpos hits value in R1, jump to songpos in R0
This will need big work... Which games does it affect?
I'm not sure which games use it, it's been there since MusMod1 so must be there for a reason. I'll retest all the games and see if any call it.
steve3000 wrote:
JonAbbott wrote:Mus_Instruments - Requires QTM extending to support this (no entry values, exits R0-R3 containing the instrument no. currently playing in channels 1-4)
Try using QTM v1.44a SWI QTM_ReadChannelData
Now implemented and working just great. I've used this to also implement Mus_Effectstatus correctly. I'm just trying to implement Mus_Sector and will get 0.07 up later (in 4 and 8 channel modes so you can give your opinion)
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