Premier Manager

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Premier Manager

Post by modboy »


I have recently repaired an A5000. But I'm unfamiliar with its operating system. I have an original boxed game "Premier Manager" but the disk is corrupted. Do you have a download for that game?

Could you also advise on how to get that onto a floppy and transfer to my A5000 hard disk.

Would also like to find out if there is any software available to repair the original floppy. The idea would be to reformat it and get the game back onto that original game disk.
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Re: Premier Manager

Post by JonAbbott »

Premier Manager is in the games section, where you can download a JFD image of the floppy for use with ADFFS.

General support question are probably better raised on StarDot as this site is more focused on the games themselves and getting them working on modern machines. If your A5000 isn't networked, transferring files will be a question for there. If you have a PC with a floppy, using an HD DOS format floppy is the simplest method.

I would not advise overwriting your original floppy, I'd first clean the drive head and check the floppy surface for mold and/or surface damage. I've seen quite a few delaminate beyond repair. If the surface has mold, gently clean the surface with isopropyl alcohol and something non-abrasive.

My advise would be to forget the physical floppy, use ADFFS and the floppy images from here to play the games instead. Many have disc protection, so copying them back to physical disc is a non-starter.
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