I've made some substantial changes to the way the stack is setup when 26bit Module entries are called to resolve reentrancy issues; they're now allocated dynamically on Module entry and released on exit, so each entry point is using a unique stack. At some point I'll extend this to IOC and IRQ interrupt entry points.
The following WIMP games work:
- F1004301 Black Angel (1992) (The Fourth Dimension)
- F1007401 Chaos Engine, The (2000) (R-Comp Interactive)
- F1013001 Elite [v1.02] (1991) (Hybrid Technology)
- F1064501 Elite [v1.14] (1999) (Ian Bell)
- F1013101 Emotions - Search for Humanity (1997) (The Datafile)
- F1014101 E-Type II (1994) (The Fourth Dimension)
- F1016301 Flying High: Euroblaster (1997) (GEK)
- F1016302 Flying High: Joust (1997) (GEK)
- F1016501 Frak! (1998) (R-Comp Interactive)
- F1017101 Global Effect (1995) (Eclipse)
- F1020901 Ixion (1992) (Software 42)
- F1021901 Karma - The Flight Trainer (1992) (Periscope Software)
- F1022901 Logic Mania: Atomix (1996) (The Fourth Dimension)
- F1025202 Merp (1996) (TBA Software)
- F1028701 Premier Manager (1994) (Gremlin Graphics)
- F1045901 Sally and Wally (1995) (Oregan Developments)
- F1033001 Sim City (1993) (Krisalis Software)
- F1036301 T.A.N.K.S. (1996) (Werewolf Software)
- F1036501 TEK 1608 (2002) (R-Comp Interactive)
- F1000501 Virtual Golf (1993) (The Fourth Dimension)
- F1038001 WaveLength (1994) (GamesWare)
- F1003003 Zodiac - Aries: Hamsters (1994) (GamesWare)
- F1000301 Abuse (1998) (R-Comp Interactive) (works provided the install path is short)
- F1011001 Demon's Lair (1993) (The Fourth Dimension) (sets wrong MODE on return to desktop)
- F1060701 Demon's Lair [SA version] (1997) (The Fourth Dimension) (sets wrong MODE on return to desktop)
- F1015101 Fervour (1992) (Clares Micro Supplies) (Wimp options window randomly hangs)
- F1061101 Haunted House [SA version] (1999) (The Fourth Dimension) (graphics aren't updated correctly, randomly hangs, doesn't run from HD)
- F1018701 Haunted House (1993) (The Fourth Dimension) (Wimp menu crashes, randomly hangs, dragged object don't refresh the screen correctly and sound issues)
- F1019701 High Risc Racing (1995) (Modus Software) (crashes when quitting)
- F1021701 K.V. (1993) (High Risc Software Developments) (Info window hangs)
- F1023901 Mah-Jong Patience (1990) (Cambridge International Software) (randomly hangs)
- F1032401 Scrabble (1994) (U.S. Gold) (randomly hangs)
- F1032801 Shuggy (1997) (Werewolf Software) (Info window hangs)
- F1016401 Formula Two Thousand (1994) (TBA Software)
- F1043801 SimCity 2000 [A5000 version] (1994) (Krisalis Software) (installer only, packaged version doesn't need Wimp support)
- F1033101 SimCity 2000 [RPC version] (1994) (Krisalis Software) (installer only, packaged version doesn't need Wimp support)
- All (randomly crashes swapping discs) (bug introduced in 2.71x OS_Byte 19 change, fixed in 2.72f)
- Random crash when changing MODE from a shelled window with BASIC26 loaded under the JIT. Issue first occurs in 2.67c (fixed in 2.72g)
- Fourth Dimension titles (most hang with StrongEd is loaded before ADFFS) (fixed in 2.72j)
- F1045101 Acheton & Kingom of Hamil (1987) (TOPOLOGIKA) (Acheton crashes when quit cleanly) (fixed in 2.72a)
- F1000402 Adventures, classic complication [Philosopher's Quest, Countdown to Doom, Return to Doom, Kingdom of Hamil, Acheton] (1988) (TOPOLOGIKA) (Acheton crashes when quit cleanly) (fixed in 2.72a)
- F1002001 Arcendium (1988) (Alien Images) (crashes when it load the Nuthatch Module via *NUTHATCH) (fixed in 2.72f)
- F1002401 ArcPinball (1990) (Shibumi Soft) (quits back to the desktop when it RMRun's the sounds modules from BASIC) (fixed in 2.72c)
- F1048901 Avon & Murdac (1989) (TOPOLOGIKA) (error in !Run) (package corrected)
- F1048901 Avon & Murdac (1989) (TOPOLOGIKA) (Murdac crashes when quit cleanly) (fixed in 2.72a)
- F1003601 Ballarena (1994) (Uffenkamp Computer Systeme) (doesn't get past the title screen) (fixed in 2.71o/package - bug in game code)
- F1003901 Battle Tank (1990) (Minerva) (crashes when launched) (fixed in 2.71v)
- F1004101 Big Bang (1996) (Psycore) (hangs when quit via CTRL-ESC) (package updated)
- F1064001 BlastOn (1991) (Eterna) (might crash after running something else, due to code being located at &4400) (fixed in 2.72b)
- F1045201 Bouncer (1991) (RTFM Software) (title page doesn't display correctly) (fixed in 2.71o/package - bug in game code)
- F1005601 Break 147 & Superpool (1991) (The Fourth Dimension) (reports badly nested error handler) (package corrected)
- F1006001 Bug Hunter in Space (1990) (Minerva) (reports Window Manager in use when quit via ESC) (package corrected)
- F1007201 Caverns (1991) (Minerva) (hangs after title screen) (package corrected)
- F1062401 Chequered Flag [RO3 version] (1992) (Cambridge International Software) (crashes after the title screen - works with 2.68c) (fixed in 2.72a)
- F1008801 Command Ship (1995) (TBA Software) (page zero accesses on level selection screen) (package updated)
- F1008901 Confusion (1989) (Cambridge International Software) (crashing with a Page Zero access issue in its CallBack handler) (fixed in 2.72b)
- F1009301 Corruption (1989) (Rainbird) (crashes when quit) (fixed in 2.72e)
- F1009601 Crystal Maze, The (1993) (Sherston Software) (branches to the wrong address when entering a level) (package updated)
- F1010301 Cycloids (1993) (Software 42) (gets stuck on the loading screen) (package corrected)
- F1010301 Cycloids (1993) (Software 42) (attempts a reboot 20 seconds after starting a game) (package corrected)
- F1012501 Drifter (1997) (The Fourth Dimension) (very slow to load due to RISC OS SMP changes) (fixed in 2.72f)
- F1053501 Dune II Battle for Arrakis [CD version] (1997) (Eclipse) (reports an error prior to the intro and main game doesn't run - works with 2.71q) (fixed in 2.71v/package corrected)
- F1013501 Enthar Seven (1988) (Robico Software) (crashes loading) (fixed in 2.72f)
- F1013501 Enthar Seven (1988) (Robico Software) (crashes when terminated via CTRL-SHIFT-F12) (fixed in 2.72f)
- F1015101 Fervour (1992) (Clares Micro Supplies) (stops working with 2.71h) (fixed in 2.71m)
- F1015701b Fireball from Fireball II (1990) (Cambridge International Software) (crashes after loading) (package corrected)
- F1015701b Fireball from Fireball II (1990) (Cambridge International Software) (flickers) (fixed in 2.71x)
- F1063101 Formula Fun (1993) (Mystery Software) (crashes when terminated via CTRL-SHIFT-F12) (fixed in 2.72f)
- F1063101 Formula Fun (1993) (Mystery Software) (desktop palette changes when quit) (uses Palette files, which set the Wimp Palette
- F1024501 Grievous Bodily 'ARM (1991) (The Fourth Dimension) (doesn't quit to the desktop) (fixed in 2.72g)
- F1018001 Groundhog (1998) (The Fourth Dimension) (crashes when it tries to change MODE) (fixed in 2.72g)
- F1041101 Guild of Thieves, The (1987) (Rainbird) (crashes when quit) (fixed in 2.72e)
- F1020101 Hostages (1990) (Superior Software) (crashes under RISC OS 3.11) (fixed in 2.72g)
- F1020101 Hostages (1990) (Superior Software) (music should not start playing when loaded) (fixed in 2.72g)
- F1021401 Jinxter (1989) (Rainbird) (crashes when quit) (fixed in 2.72e)
- F1008401 Last Days of Doom, The & Hezarin (1990) (TOPOLOGIKA) (Hezarin crashes when quit cleanly) (fixed in 2.72a)
- F1022501 Legend of the Lost Temple, The (1992) (Eterna) (doesn't quit cleanly via CTRL-SHIFT-F12) (package corrected)
- F1056401 Memory Magic (1990) (Cambridge International Software) (attempts to reboot when quit cleanly) (package corrected)
- F1026601 OddBall (1995) (Digital Psychosis) (hangs when quit) (package corrected)
- F1026901 Omar Sharif's Bridge (1992) (Krisalis Software) (reports ambiguous instruction in exit handler) (fixed in 2.72a)
- F1026901 Omar Sharif's Bridge (1992) (Krisalis Software) (sits on the logo screen when run for the first time, terminate then run again and it works) (package updated)
- F1028501 Populous (1992) (Krisalis Software) (mouse buttons don't work with USBJoystick loaded) (fixed in USBJoystick 0.15)
- F1028501 Populous (1992) (Krisalis Software) (reports ambiguous instruction in exit handler) (fixed in 2.72a)
- F1033201 Simon the Sorcerer (1994) (GamesWare) (leaves the machine in a bad state when terminated) (fixed in 2.71t)
- F1033901 Spheres of Chaos (1992) (Matt Black) (hangs when you start a game) (fixed in 2.72b)
- F1035901 S.W.I.V. (1992) (Krisalis Software) (can't start game via keyboard with USBJoystick loaded) (press F1 and select Keyboard)
- F1062901 Tactic (1990) (Eterna) (blank screen) (fixed in 2.71w)
- F1036201 Talisman (1989) (Minerva) (quits back to the desktop when it RMRun's the sounds modules from BASIC) (fixed in 2.72c)
- F1040201 Zarch (1987) (Superior Software) (doesn't clear the screen and ADFRemapVideoMemory 15 160 maps in more than 160KB) (fixed in 2.72g)
Regressions (outstanding):
- F1000901 Aldebaran (1993) (Evolution Trading) (crashes when launched)
- F1012701 Drop Ship (1990) (The Fourth Dimension) (modifies permissions of !Drop Ship.GameDir.<160>)