RiscPC help
Re: RiscPC help
For totally unrelated reasons, I needed to upsize the hard disk in the RO 3.7 machine (ARM710, 128MB). On replacing the original hdd and installing a fresh Uniboot structure on the new one, and only !ADFFS installed, exactly the same problem. Running !ADFFS hangs the machine.
Think I'll step back through versions to see if any run as expected.
Think I'll step back through versions to see if any run as expected.
Re: RiscPC help
So, for completeness and your information I removed the uniboot structure and ...
I tried v2.6.1, v2.6.3 and v2.6.4h and they all loaded to the icon bar as I guess they should.
v2.6.8 still hangs the machine.
I don't have any other versions.
I tried v2.6.1, v2.6.3 and v2.6.4h and they all loaded to the icon bar as I guess they should.
v2.6.8 still hangs the machine.
I don't have any other versions.
Re: RiscPC help
There's no code changes between the start up sequence of 2.64 and 2.68 which confuses me even more. I can't fathom out why I can't recreate the issue on any of my RiscPC and you're seeing it on all yours. It has me stumped at the minute.
Load 2.64, then manually load the ADFFS400 Module from the 2.68 folder to see if it hangs. I wonder if the issue is the ADFFSFiler Module and not ADFFS.
Load 2.64, then manually load the ADFFS400 Module from the 2.68 folder to see if it hangs. I wonder if the issue is the ADFFSFiler Module and not ADFFS.
Re: RiscPC help
Loading 2.64 to the icon bar and then a manual 'RMLoad ADFFS400' from the command prompt does NOT hang the machine.
All very odd.
I can of course do a 'RMReinit ADFS' before loading !ADFFS and that seems to work.
All very odd.
I can of course do a 'RMReinit ADFS' before loading !ADFFS and that seems to work.
Re: RiscPC help
The question is, why does RMReInit ADFS appear to resolve the problem? Does reinitialising another innocuous Module also resolve it, or only ADFS?
Off the top of my head, things that could cause this behaviour:
Hold SHIFT while you power on, which will drop you at the Supervisor * prompt, then pipe the output of the Modules to a text file so I can try to recreate your setup:
After those two commands and whilst still at the Supervisor prompt, manually RMLoad ADFFS400 to confirm it locks the machine with nothing loaded. Meanwhile I'll create some bespoke debug builds with parts of the code disabled, in an attempt to track down what's locking the machine.
Off the top of my head, things that could cause this behaviour:
- Old version of VProtect (there was a bug in the Module handling code)
- Old version of CLib (ADFFS will load a newer version which will cause issues with softloaded C based Apps/Modules)
- Module virus (can't recall the name, but there's one that attaches to the Module Init sequence)
- ADFS locking because it can't initialise
Hold SHIFT while you power on, which will drop you at the Supervisor * prompt, then pipe the output of the Modules to a text file so I can try to recreate your setup:
Code: Select all
*MODULES { > $.modules }
*ROMMODULES { > $.modvers }
Re: RiscPC help
Been away for a few days ...
So, RMReinit on other modules does not resolve the issue.
No Vprotect loaded.
All machines have same i-cubed 600 cards
Holding shift doesn't drop me to the supervisor prompt, it only prevents normal boot. Can't remember how to get to the supervisor prompt at boot. I thought holding * achieved it but it doesn't seem to here.
I reconfigured the 3.70 machine to noboot and moved the drive contents to a subfolder. On reboot, though at the desktop initially, the results of *modules & *rommodules are as follows (Sorry, can't attach);
An RMLoad ADFFS400 does still lock the machine at this point.
So, RMReinit on other modules does not resolve the issue.
No Vprotect loaded.
All machines have same i-cubed 600 cards
Holding shift doesn't drop me to the supervisor prompt, it only prevents normal boot. Can't remember how to get to the supervisor prompt at boot. I thought holding * achieved it but it doesn't seem to here.
I reconfigured the 3.70 machine to noboot and moved the drive contents to a subfolder. On reboot, though at the desktop initially, the results of *modules & *rommodules are as follows (Sorry, can't attach);
Code: Select all
No. Position Workspace Name
1 0380CDE4 00000000 UtilityModule
2 0382D004 02100014 Podule
3 0382EB74 021005D4 FileSwitch
4 0383AA3C 02101254 ResourceFS
5 0383B684 00000000 Messages
6 038FA7F0 02101294 MessageTrans
7 038FB5F4 021027C4 TerritoryManager
8 038FCFD4 02102874 UK
9 038FE924 021029E4 WindowManager
10 03912088 00000000 Desktop
11 03912AA4 021025F4 Mouse
12 03914B1C 02102534 PS2Driver
13 039159E0 0217FD84 TaskManager
14 039190BC 0217C6A4 ADFSFiler
15 0391D2DC 02102514 ARM
16 0391D7A4 00000000 BASIC
17 0392A53C 021024F4 BASICTrans
18 0392B280 021024D4 BufferManager
19 0392C2FC 0216B504 ColourTrans
20 03930360 02104F34 Debugger
21 03932754 02105124 DeviceFS
22 039346EC 02105154 DMAManager
23 03935E34 02105274 DragASprite
24 03936F5C 00000000 DragAnObject
25 03937440 021052A4 Draw
26 0393D69C 021058C4 FileCore%ADFS
0393D69C 00000000 FileCore%Base
27 0394DEC4 021053D4 ADFS
28 03955C64 0217D0F4 Filer
29 0395D080 021507D4 FilerSWIs
30 0395D370 021508C4 FSLock
31 0395E4D4 02150A54 FontManager
32 0396D750 02151664 InverseTable
33 0396DC0C 02151A84 FPEmulator
34 039751A8 02151B34 Free
35 039768F0 00000000 GameModes
36 03976948 02152474 Hourglass
37 039771B0 02152564 IIC
38 039775DC 02152584 International
39 0397A908 00000000 IRQUtils
40 0397B270 021B5FE4 DisplayManager
41 03982FCC 00000000 NetFiler
42 0398701C 021525A4 NetStatus
43 03987340 00000000 NetUtils
44 03987394 00000000 Obey
45 03987C44 021525C4 ParallelDeviceDriver
46 039889C8 021526F4 InternationalKeyboard
47 03989944 02152744 Pinboard
48 0398DE44 021530B4 PipeFS
49 0398EF24 00000000 RAMFSFiler
50 0398F8B0 0217EE44 ResourceFiler
51 0398FFF8 00000000 ROMFonts
52 039CD08C 02104EF4 RTCAdjust
53 039CD7D0 02104E84 ScreenBlanker
54 039CE270 02104E34 SerialDeviceDriver
55 039CF238 02104DA4 SerialDeviceSupport
56 039CF8DC 02104D64 SerialMouse
57 039CFECC 021D2304 ShellCLI
58 039D0458 02104C44 SoundDMA
59 039D1C98 02153454 SoundChannels
60 039D30E0 021555F4 SoundScheduler
61 039D38C4 02157614 SpriteExtend
62 039E7024 00000000 SpriteUtils
63 039E760C 0215A4C4 Squash
64 039E9048 00000000 SuperSample
65 039E995C 0215A524 SystemDevices
66 039EA6C0 0215A654 TaskWindow
67 039ECC24 00000000 WindowUtils
68 039ECC7C 0215A684 FilterManager
69 039ED530 0215A6D4 WaveSynth
70 039EDFCC 0215ADD4 StringLib
71 039EEA54 0215B5F4 Percussion
72 03A1D074 00000000 Filer_Action
73 03A238FC 02168C64 DOSFS
74 03A2E094 02167904 ColourPicker
75 03A3C48C 02162164 ScreenModes
76 03A3E860 02160FB4 DrawFile
77 03A44340 0215F954 BootCommands
78 03A47970 00000000 AUNMsgs
79 03A4E750 02153404 MbufManager
80 03A50AE4 0219FDE4 Internet
81 03A7FA08 00000000 BootNet
82 03A7FE84 0215CE64 Freeway
83 03A83660 021A56E4 ShareFS
84 03A9389C 00000000 !Edit
85 03A962D0 00000000 !Draw
86 03ABFDA4 00000000 !Paint
87 03AD5828 00000000 !Alarm
88 03AE39A4 00000000 !Chars
89 03AE48FC 00000000 !Help
90 03AE6514 00000000 Printers
91 03B61164 0215C6A4 PDriver
92 03B619F8 021A71D4 TinyStubs
93 03B94928 00000000 CDFSResources
94 03B97504 021A8164 CDFSdriver
95 03B988BC 021A8DA4 CDFSSoftATAPI
96 03B9A6C8 0215C274 CDFSSoftChinonEESOX
97 03B9B15C 0215BFE4 CDFSSoftHitachiEESOX
98 03B9BBFC 0215E624 CDFSSoftPhilipsEESOX
99 03B9C8D8 021A9744 CDFSSoftSonyEESOX
100 03B9D8D0 021A99B4 CDFSSoftToshibaEESOX
101 03B9E2E0 021A9C24 CDFS
102 03BA1BF8 021D0B74 CDFSFiler
103 021B64F4 0215BF54 CallASWI
104 021B7734 00000000 SharedCLibrary
105 02173434 02172294 EtherH
No. Position Module Name Version Status
1 System ROM UtilityModule 3.71 Active
2 System ROM Podule 1.42 Active
3 System ROM FileSwitch 2.36 Active
4 System ROM ResourceFS 0.15 Active
5 System ROM Messages 0.83 Active
6 System ROM MessageTrans 0.31 Active
7 System ROM TerritoryManager 0.23 Active
8 System ROM UK 0.22 Active
9 System ROM WindowManager 3.69 Active
10 System ROM Desktop 2.53 Active
11 System ROM Mouse 0.08 Active
12 System ROM Portable 0.64 Dormant
13 System ROM PS2Driver 0.18 Active
14 System ROM TaskManager 1.04 Active
15 System ROM ADFSFiler 0.84 Active
16 System ROM ARM 0.12 Active
17 System ROM BASIC 1.16 Active
18 System ROM BASICTrans 2.00 Active
19 System ROM BufferManager 0.24 Active
20 System ROM ColourTrans 1.65 Active
21 System ROM Debugger 1.48 Active
22 System ROM DeviceFS 0.30 Active
23 System ROM DMAManager 0.12 Active
24 System ROM DragASprite 0.11 Active
25 System ROM DragAnObject 0.03 Active
26 System ROM Draw 1.09 Active
27 System ROM BBCEconet 0.16 Dormant
28 System ROM Econet 5.72 Dormant
29 System ROM FileCore 2.98 Active
30 System ROM ADFS 3.29 Active
31 System ROM RamFS 2.11 Dormant
32 System ROM Filer 1.85 Active
33 System ROM FilerSWIs 0.03 Active
34 System ROM FSLock 1.18 Active
35 System ROM FontManager 3.37 Active
36 System ROM InverseTable 0.03 Active
37 System ROM FPEmulator 4.08 Active
38 System ROM Free 0.31 Active
39 System ROM GameModes 2.00 Active
40 System ROM Hourglass 2.11 Active
41 System ROM IIC 0.14 Active
42 System ROM International 1.27 Active
43 System ROM IRQUtils 2.52 Active
44 System ROM Joystick 0.22 Dormant
45 System ROM DisplayManager 0.33 Active
46 System ROM NetFS 5.90 Dormant
47 System ROM NetFiler 0.75 Active
48 System ROM NetPrint 5.53 Dormant
49 System ROM NetStatus 2.06 Active
50 System ROM NetUtils 2.00 Active
51 System ROM Obey 0.33 Active
52 System ROM ParallelDeviceDriver 0.44 Active
53 System ROM InternationalKeyboard 0.36 Active
54 System ROM Pinboard 0.66 Active
55 System ROM PipeFS 0.15 Active
56 System ROM RAMFSFiler 0.32 Active
57 System ROM ResourceFiler 0.14 Active
58 System ROM ROMFonts 0.16 Active
59 System ROM RTCAdjust 0.05 Active
60 System ROM ScreenBlanker 2.20 Active
61 System ROM SerialDeviceDriver 0.35 Active
62 System ROM SerialDeviceSupport 0.21 Active
63 System ROM SerialMouse 0.05 Active
64 System ROM ShellCLI 0.28 Running
65 System ROM SoundDMA 1.54 Active
66 System ROM SoundChannels 1.30 Active
67 System ROM SoundScheduler 1.21 Active
68 System ROM SpriteExtend 1.04 Active
69 System ROM SpriteUtils 1.10 Active
70 System ROM Squash 0.24 Active
71 System ROM SuperSample 0.09 Active
72 System ROM SystemDevices 1.25 Active
73 System ROM TaskWindow 0.56 Active
74 System ROM WindowUtils 2.50 Active
75 System ROM FilterManager 0.11 Active
76 System ROM WaveSynth 1.13 Active
77 System ROM StringLib 1.11 Active
78 System ROM Percussion 1.10 Active
79 System ROM BatMgr 0.23 Dormant
80 System ROM SharedCLibrary 4.85 Dormant
81 System ROM Filer_Action 0.41 Active
82 System ROM DOSFS 0.63 Active
83 System ROM ColourPicker 0.39 Active
84 System ROM ScreenModes 0.18 Active
85 System ROM DrawFile 1.46 Active
86 System ROM BootCommands 1.16 Active
87 System ROM AUNMsgs 0.07 Active
88 System ROM MbufManager 0.17 Active
89 System ROM Internet 5.02 Active
90 System ROM Net 6.18 Dormant
91 System ROM BootNet 0.89 Active
92 System ROM Freeway 0.26 Active
93 System ROM ShareFS 3.40 Active
94 System ROM !Edit 1.54 Active
95 System ROM !Draw 1.11 Active
96 System ROM !Paint 1.94 Active
97 System ROM !Alarm 2.70 Active
98 System ROM !Chars 1.18 Active
99 System ROM !Help 2.29 Active
100 System ROM Printers 1.54 Active
101 System ROM MakePSFont 1.09 Dormant
102 System ROM PDriverDP 4.42 Dormant
103 System ROM PDriverPS 4.42 Dormant
104 System ROM PDumperSupport 1.21 Dormant
105 System ROM RemotePrinterSupport 1.03 Dormant
106 System ROM PDumperCX 1.18 Dormant
107 System ROM PDumperDM 1.18 Dormant
108 System ROM PDumperIW 1.18 Dormant
109 System ROM PDumperLJ 1.18 Dormant
110 System ROM PDumperE2 1.18 Dormant
111 System ROM PDriver 3.25 Active
112 System ROM TinyStubs 0.06 Active
113 System ROM Toolbox 1.36 Unplugged
114 System ROM Window 1.31 Unplugged
115 System ROM Menu 0.24 Unplugged
116 System ROM Iconbar 1.12 Unplugged
117 System ROM ColourDbox 0.15 Unplugged
118 System ROM ColourMenu 0.17 Unplugged
119 System ROM DCS 1.06 Unplugged
120 System ROM FileInfo 0.14 Unplugged
121 System ROM FontDbox 0.14 Unplugged
122 System ROM FontMenu 0.17 Unplugged
123 System ROM PrintDbox 0.09 Unplugged
124 System ROM ProgInfo 0.09 Unplugged
125 System ROM SaveAs 0.12 Unplugged
126 System ROM Scale 0.11 Unplugged
127 System ROM CDFSResources 2.34 Active
128 System ROM CDFSdriver 2.33 Active
129 System ROM CDFSSoftATAPI 1.25 Active
130 System ROM CDFSSoftChinonEESOX 1.02 Active
131 System ROM CDFSSoftHitachiEESOX 1.02 Active
132 System ROM CDFSSoftPhilipsEESOX 1.03 Active
133 System ROM CDFSSoftSonyEESOX 1.09 Active
134 System ROM CDFSSoftToshibaEESOX 1.03 Active
135 System ROM CDFS 2.29 Active
136 System ROM CDFSFiler 2.40 Active
137 System ROM UnSqueezeAIF 0.03 Dormant
1 Podule 8 MbufManager 0.17 Unplugged
2 Podule 8 CallASWI 0.11 Active
3 Podule 8 SharedCLibrary 5.59 Active
4 Podule 8 EtherH 4.59 Active
Re: RiscPC help
Thanks for the Module info, I'll reconfigure my RiscPC to match to see if I can recreate the issue.
Could you try loading the attached builds (now removed) and let me know which hang. If the A build loads okay, try doing an RMReInit ADFS straight after and see if it hangs.
Could you try loading the attached builds (now removed) and let me know which hang. If the A build loads okay, try doing an RMReInit ADFS straight after and see if it hangs.
Re: RiscPC help
To get the supervisor at boot, hold SHIFT and * (on the numeric keypad) as you power up.
Re: RiscPC help
All three of the builds load to the icon bar WITHOUT causing the machine to hang.Could you try loading the attached builds and let me know which hang. If the A build loads okay, try doing an RMReInit ADFS straight after and see if it hangs.
The first two (ADFFS400A & ADFFS400AM) do not cause the floppy to be accesed during loading but DO cause the machine to hang following a subsequent RMReinit adfs.
The third of the builds, ADFFS400S, does cause the floppy drive to be accessed during loading and does NOT cause the machine to hang following a subsequent RMReinit adfs.
I hope that's useful.
Thank you for the reminder.To get the supervisor at boot, hold SHIFT and * (on the numeric keypad) as you power up.
Re: RiscPC help
Great, that pins it down to one area of code that needs further investigation.