- Bogeysticks v1.00 used by the first releases of Manchester United and Mad Professior Mariarti. They also include the source code
- The wider used JoyMod v4.27, which is used for most of the Krysalis titles. I've also used it for a few other games to replace problematic Joystick support (Fire & Ice, Heimdall, Krisalis Collection, The: Terramex, Nevryon, Sensible Soccer, Tactic).
ADFFS' JoyMod is based on this version - KallJoy v2.00 which is used by the Champions versions of Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash and Manchester United
Short term, I'll modify ADFFS' JoyMod to fallback to Acorn Joysticks if RTFM isn't detected or JoyMod_Test isn't called. That will hopefully add Acorn Joystick support to all games currently using it.
Longer term, I'll ditch JoyMod as ADFFS already provides its functionality and adds Joystick support to many games JoyMod explicitly supports key-mapping for. A few games such as Zarch need tweaking to support dead-zones, but that's a separate issue.