Hi Jon,
I am trying to use Boot Floppy for Boogie Buggy and it seems to give a lot of garbled text and a black screen, which I cannot decipher when booting Disk 1.
It works if I do the hard disk install method, just not when mounting the images and using Boot Floppy.
This is on a physical A3010 with 4MB ram and ZIDEFS and using the latest release of ADFFS 2.85
ADFFS 2.85 public beta
Re: ADFFS 2.85 public beta
I'll fix in the next script update...in the meantime edit !ADFFS.obey.F1005301 and change the GO 12000 line near the end to:
Code: Select all
MEMA 8004 EA0027FD
IF ADFFS$OSVersion>=&35000 THEN GO 12000 ELSE GO 8000
Looking at the script, you should see the same issue when run from HD under RO 3.1x - so why you're not seeing that is a bit strange; I'll recheck the whole script.
Re: ADFFS 2.85 public beta
Thanks Jon,
I’ll give that a go. I like to use the boot floppy option when I image my disks to just test everything has imaged correctly and working as it should, same as Dune 2 which has so many disk swaps it’s nearly unplayable when using floppies due to the amount of disk swaps!
When actually playing them I play from hard disk when it’s an option.
I’ll give that a go. I like to use the boot floppy option when I image my disks to just test everything has imaged correctly and working as it should, same as Dune 2 which has so many disk swaps it’s nearly unplayable when using floppies due to the amount of disk swaps!
When actually playing them I play from hard disk when it’s an option.
Re: ADFFS 2.85 public beta
Fair enough, I've heavily modified the script and uploaded the latest obey.zip
Re: ADFFS 2.85 public beta
Great Thanks Jon,
Now working perfectly
Now working perfectly