ADFFS 2.84

Floppy Disc Controller emulator and virtual IOC/IOMD/ARM JIT for modern RISC OS machines
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Re: ADFFS 2.84

Post by segasonic »

Nebulus is ok with the new obey, thanks!

I've been trying games this afternoon as I had a bit of free time. Been using the Pi and making notes if anything odd happened. I don't have a controller connected which may be the cause of some issues. (I'll have a wired Xbox controller somewhere, if that's no good I'll have other USB gamepads.) I was using the packages grabbed from Packman.
Apologies if any of this is user error or known already.

Quest for Gold - Unreadable low res error on CTRL+SHIFT+F12. Filecore in use error afterwards if you try to run anything. Can't shut down, stuck on hourglass. Fixed with new boot scripts.

Cyborg the Adventure - Low res desktop after quit, can't click anything (I think this is listed in the known issues.)

Alone in the Dark - Couldn't move, requires controller? User error.

Bobby Blockhead - Various softlocks/freezes. Couldn't make a selection at initial menu. Couldn't back out of game info. Freeze when left in attract mode Kill WiFi module before running.

Blaston: 'Internal Error: abort on instruction fetch at &0002C414' when CTRL+SHIFT+F12, audio missing/off key if you run again. Fixed with new boot scripts.

Bubble Fair: Can't start game, controller required? User error.

Cannon Fodder - Weird palette on title screen, you can only see the word Cannon and the poppy, most of the stem and the word Fodder missing. Krisalis logo screen scaled off screen at the bottom in attract mode.

Drop Shaft - Unreadable low res error popup when you CTRL+SHIFT+F12. Doesn't seem to break anything. Fixed with new boot scripts/package.

Empire Soccer '94 - Can't start match, controller required? User error.

EuroBlaster - 'Screen mode not available ( error code 4770 )' loops whether you click ok or cancel. Can get out with Escape. Load anymode module first.

Fine Racer - Controls don't seem to work, I always end up stuck on top of another car which drives me round the course. User error.

Freddy's Folly - Can't bring gun out, might be because the cursors on my mini keyboard are weird combined keys. Freezes after bringing out the gun. Fixed with new boot scripts.

Formula Two Thousand - Freezes if you CTRL+SHIFT+F12. Can CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE out. Known issue.
Last edited by segasonic on Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:36 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: ADFFS 2.84

Post by JonAbbott »

Geez...where to start...
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Quest for Gold - Unreadable low res error on CTRL+SHIFT+F12. Filecore in use error afterwards if you try to run anything. Can't shut down, stuck on hourglass.
I'm guessing your terminating it during the Intro. I'll modify the script to detect that as its currently terminating the JIT, then going on to run the main game - which obviously fails. It's also expecting a save directory to be created, so I'll add that to the script as well.
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Cyborg the Adventure - Low res desktop after quit, can't click anything (I think this is listed in the known issues.)
Probably the same issue as Quest for Gold, in that terminating the Intro will run the main game outside of the JIT and crash. I'll need to modify the script and update the package to fix this one.
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Alone in the Dark - Couldn't move, requires controller?
I couldn't reproduce this, are you using the Arrow keys to move?
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Bubble Fair: Can't start game, controller required?
Press INSERT to insert coins, then SPACE for Player 1
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Cannon Fodder - Weird palette on title screen, you can only see the word Cannon and the poppy, most of the stem and the word Fodder missing. Krisalis logo screen scaled off screen at the bottom in attract mode.
I couldn't reproduce the palette issue, but the bottom of the screen being clipped is where the image is being scaled so the main game fills the screen. At some point, I'll modify the game so the intro and main game are split and the scaling is only turned on during game play.
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Empire Soccer '94 - Can't start match, controller required?
You probably want the manual from the full ZIP.

Using the Arrow keys and Enter...Select the type of game. eg "World Cup", select "1 Player", select your team, then select "Play World Cup". Press "Enter" to get through the fixtures, once on the "PLAY" screen, select the time limit, select "Key 1" for controls of the left team, leave the right on Computer, navigate to PLAY and "Enter" to start the game. On the coin flip screen, press left or right to flip and up/down if you're given the choice.
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Fine Racer - Controls don't seem to work, I always end up stuck on top of another car which drives me round the course.
Movement only works when accelerating - hold "@" to accelerate, Z/X will then turn
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Bobby Blockhead - Various softlocks/freezes. Couldn't make a selection at initial menu. Couldn't back out of game info. Freeze when left in attract mode
I can reproduce this, so will investigate.
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Freddy's Folly - Can't bring gun out, might be because the cursors on my mini keyboard are weird combined keys.
Press the Left Arrow key to bring the gun out.
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm EuroBlaster - 'Screen mode not available ( error code 4770 )' loops whether you click ok or cancel. Can get out with Escape.
When do you get that error? When loading or after pressing "Enter" to start a game?
I couldn't reproduce it.
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Drop Shaft - Unreadable low res error popup when you CTRL+SHIFT+F12. Doesn't seem to break anything.
I need to modify the script and update the package.
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Blaston: 'Internal Error: abort on instruction fetch at &0002C414' when CTRL+SHIFT+F12, audio missing/off key if you run again.
This is an odd one, when Blaston is terminated another app crashes and I'm not entirely sure why. I'll continue to look for the root cause.
EDIT: Its the ChannelHandler being called after the app has quit. I'll modify the script so it pauses before handing back to the OS
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Formula Two Thousand - Freezes if you CTRL+SHIFT+F12. Can CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE out.
FTT is a Wimp app - which you can't terminate via CTRL+SHIFT-F12 as the Wimp has to cleanly close it down via a Wimp quit when its paged in. Although you can currently run Wimp apps under the JIT - they're not supported fully so expect hard-locks and other odd behaviour. It's mentioned in the known issues in the OP.
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Re: ADFFS 2.84

Post by segasonic »

I'm away for a few days, I'll try your suggestions when I get back. Thank you!

I tried the cursors on AITD but couldn't move, I'm using a 60% keyboard and the cursors are shared with other functions to save space, I'm not certain that RISC OS Pi is reading them correctly. The intro screens were behaving oddly too, I couldn't select the character portraits properly to read the text. With mouse and keyboard the only thing I could manage to do was make the character put her fists up (I think that's what she was doing anyway).

I have a spare full keyboard I can try. It would also explain the inability to bring out the gun in Freddy's Folly too as that says to press the left arrow to do so. I couldn't navigate to Play in Empire Soccer. I'll retest with the full keyboard.
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Re: ADFFS 2.84

Post by segasonic »

I've crossed out the things on the original list that were my fault, it seems my 60% keyboard is either slightly faulty or RISC OS doesn't like it. The cursors are shared with other keys and you have to hold the 'Fn' key to switch the functionality, but it doesn't work consistently or reliably. With a full keyboard all works as expected. Sorry about that, we live and learn...

What remains other than the ones you're investigating:

Cannon Fodder - Weird palette on title screen, you can only see the word Cannon and the poppy, most of the stem and the word Fodder missing.
Still seeing the same behaviour, can one dump a screen grab on the Pi? The green poppy stem and the word Fodder are absent, I wonder if the missing 'Fodder' is stretched off screen. (Additional, I'm seeing something similar on Lotus 2. The upper part of the yellow car in the attract mode isn't visible, and in game on the Forest course the loading/intro picture is wrong. When driving the windscreen on the red car is solid black, you can't see the driver silhouette. Same on the opponents. The grey/green stripes on the road are all black. Seems some colours are being rendered as black instead of what they're supposed to be.

EuroBlaster - Screen mode not available ( error code 4770 ) loops whether you click ok or cancel. Can get out with Escape.
Happens on execution, I briefly see a splash screen before the error pops up. Something in my settings? I'll post below. ADFFS is as-is apart from updating the obey with your new one.

Freddy's Folly - Freezes after you bring the gun out and the ship fires a few volleys.

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Re: ADFFS 2.84

Post by JonAbbott »

segasonic wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 5:00 pm EuroBlaster - Screen mode not available ( error code 4770 )
See if loading AnyMode gets it working. I suspect its trying to go to a 16/24bit mode - ADFFS only covers up to 8bit.
segasonic wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 5:00 pm Freddy's Folly - Freezes after you bring the gun out and the ship fires a few volleys.
If you have a WiFi stack loaded, RMKill its network Module and see if the game then works. There's a known issue in SDIODriver which gets stuck in a spin-lock when the OS is shelled out - which the WiFi stacks trigger.

I've updated and some of the packages as mentioned in the post above, which should cover these issues:
Drop Shaft
Quest for Gold
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Re: ADFFS 2.84

Post by segasonic »

Updated the original post.

Quest for Gold - Fixed with new boot scripts.
DropShaft - Fixed with new boot scripts/package.
Blaston - Fixed with new boot scripts.
EuroBlaster - Works fine if Anymode is loaded first.

Freddy's Folly - Freezes when the ship reaches the right of the screen. Up until that point I can move and fire the gun. I can reboot with CTRL+Break but nothing else. I tried '*RMKill WLanBWFM' before running but it doesn't make a difference (Am I killing the right module? The WiFi on the icon bar changes from green to black so it seems it is disconnecting it.)

Cyborg The Adventure - Got new package and boot scripts, now it exits itself to a low res desktop after the title screen. I can interact with the desktop now, not frozen like it was on quit before.

Thank you for the fixes and the Anymode advice!
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Re: ADFFS 2.84

Post by JonAbbott »

segasonic wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:57 pm Freddy's Folly - Freezes when the ship reaches the right of the screen.
So it does. It should be fixed with today's
segasonic wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:57 pm Cyborg The Adventure - Got new package and boot scripts, now it exits itself to a low res desktop after the title screen.
Updating to today's should hopefully fix that.
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Re: ADFFS 2.84

Post by segasonic »

Freddy's Folly all good now!

Cyborg Adventure is now playable, it still exits to a low res desktop when you CTRL+SHIFT+F12 but you can click the icons now. It's on your list of games that alter the WIMP so it's probably expected.

Thank you :D
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Re: ADFFS 2.84

Post by JonAbbott »

segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Bobby Blockhead - Various softlocks/freezes. Couldn't make a selection at initial menu. Couldn't back out of game info. Freeze when left in attract mode
I've not managed to reproduce this issue (provided I kill the WiFi), I've left it running and tried playing it. Could you confirm if you're running RO 5.30 or 5.31? And what refresh rate your monitor is running?

To rule all 3rd party software out, could you please trying bypassing !Boot (repeatedly hit ESC at power-on), run !ADFFS and nothing else and then see if its any different.
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Re: ADFFS 2.84

Post by segasonic »

JonAbbott wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 6:17 pm
segasonic wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:23 pm Bobby Blockhead - Various softlocks/freezes. Couldn't make a selection at initial menu. Couldn't back out of game info. Freeze when left in attract mode
I've not managed to reproduce this issue (provided I kill the WiFi), I've left it running and tried playing it. Could you confirm if you're running RO 5.30 or 5.31? And what refresh rate your monitor is running?

To rule all 3rd party software out, could you please trying bypassing !Boot (repeatedly hit ESC at power-on), run !ADFFS and nothing else and then see if its any different.
I'll give it a go tomorrow, haven't had much time to mess with the Pi due to covering workmates having holidays. It's just not on 😂

Pretty sure I'm on 5.30, not the beta. It came ready installed with the Pi so I didn't set it up.

I'm running 1080p 50Hz 16m colours I think.

Come to think, it might be the WiFi. I did run with it before I was aware of the issues, from now on I'll kill it before any testing.
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