Games with unusual aspect ratios

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Games with unusual aspect ratios

Post by JonAbbott »

32:25 (256x200) (might be 4:3 with underscan)
CORRECTED F1031000 Rick Dangerous (1995) (The Hitmen Software) (clip top and bottom)

8:5 (320x200)
CORRECTED F1001500 Alone In the Dark (1995) (Krisalis Software)
CORRECTED F1003800 Battle Chess (1993) (Krisalis Software)
CORRECTED - update package F1007400 Chaos Engine, The (2000) (R-Comp Interactive)
CORRECTED F1012800 Dune II - Battle for Arrakis (1995) (Eclipse) (v1.23F) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED - update package F1053500 Dune II Battle for Arrakis [CD version] (1997) (Eclipse) (v1.32) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1017700 Great Giana Sisters, The (1988) (Unknown)
CORRECTED F1017200 Gods (1992) (Krisalis Software)
CORRECTED F1054500 Gods [RPC version] (2001) (R-Comp Interactive)
CORRECTED F1018800 Heimdall (1993) (Krisalis Software)
CORRECTED - update package (version bump not required) F1019200 Hero Quest (1991) (Krisalis Software) (intro only, clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1020100 Hostages (1990) (Superior Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1020800 Iron Lord (1990) (UBI Soft) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1021100 James Pond (1990) (Krisalis Software)
CORRECTED F1023200 Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 (1992) (Krisalis Software)
CORRECTED F1023300 Mad Professor Mariarti (1990) (Krisalis Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1059300 Mad Professor Mariarti [BUZZ version] (1991) (Krisalis Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1023600 Magic Pockets (1993) (Renegade) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1026000 Nebulus (1992) (Krisalis Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1028500 Populous (1992) (Krisalis Software)
CORRECTED F1059700 Populous [RPC version] (2001) (R-Comp Interactive)
CORRECTED F1029800 Quest For Gold (1992) (Krisalis Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1048000 Quest For Gold [Learning Curve version] (1992) (Krisalis Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1059500 Revelation! [BUZZ version] (1993) (Krisalis Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1031600 Rotor (1989) (Arcana Software)
CORRECTED F1033200 Simon the Sorcerer (1994) (GamesWare) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1033800 SpeedBall 2 (1994) (Krisalis Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1054600 SpeedBall 2 [RPC version] (2001) (R-Comp Interactive) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1037400 Twin World (1990) (Cygnus Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED - update package F1058900 Twinworld [32bit version] (2012) (Cygnus Software)
CORRECTED F1039200 World Championship Boxing Manager (1991) (Krisalis Software)
CORRECTED F1049004 Champions: World Championship Boxing Manager (1992) (Krisalis Software)
CORRECTED F1039600 Xenon 2 Megablast (1993) (Eclipse)

8:5 (640x400)
CORRECTED F1036000 Syndicate+ (1998) (R-Comp Interactive) (clip top and bottom)

5:3 (320x192)
CORRECTED F1037000 Top Banana (1988) (Hex) (clip top and bottom)

20:13 (320x208)
CORRECTED F1022800 Lemmings 2: The Tribes (1994) (Krisalis Software) (intro is 4:3 320x240)
CORRECTED F1059800 Lemmings 2: The Tribes [SA version] (2001) (R-Comp Interactive) (intro is 4:3 320x240)

40:27 (320x216)
CORRECTED F1022700 Lemmings (1991) (Krisalis Software)
CORRECTED F1026700 Oh, No! More Lemmings (1992) (Krisalis Software)

10:7 (320x224)
CORRECTED F1006500 Cannon Fodder (1994) (Krisalis Software) (only during gameplay)
CORRECTED F1015900 Flashback (1993) (U.S.Gold) (clip top and bottom, actually 256x224)
CORRECTED F1036600 Terramex (1988) (Grandslam Entertainments) (clip top and bottom)

4:3 (320x240)
CORRECTED F1008300 Cobalt Seed, The (1995) (TBA Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1009600 Crystal Maze, The (1993) (Sherston Software) (clip top and bottom)
CORRECTED F1013200 Empire Soccer 94 (1995) (Empire Software)

80:61 (320x244)
CORRECTED F1038800 Wolfenstein 3D (1994) (Powerslave Software)
F1069700 Wolfenstein 3D [32bit version] (2018) (JASPP)
F1047400 Wolfenstein 3D [RISC User Cover version] (1994) (Powerslave Software)

192:143 (384x286) (might be 8:5 with overscan)
F1024200 Manchester United (1990) (Krisalis Software) (no scaling required when in a match, but the menus need scaling)
F1049100 Manchester United Europe (1991) (Krisalis Software) (no scaling required when in a match, but the intro and menus need scaling)

239:176 (478x352)
F1026200 Iron Dignity (2001) (Artex Software)

153:104 (306x208)
F1032300 Scorpius (1992) (Arxe Systems)

4:3 (320x240)
F1035300 SunBurst [32bit version] (2015) (Visions of the Impossible)
F1035400 Super Foul Egg (1996) (Visions of the Impossible)

4:3 (400x300)
F1039900 YAIG (1990) (Artic Software)

These don't need scaling:
2:3 (320x480) (double-height pixels)
F1004700 BloodLust (1998) (The Fourth Dimension)

15:11 (480x352)
F1005800 Bubble Impact (1997) (Moving Pixels)

143:128 (286x256)
F1008100 Chuck Rock (1991) (Krisalis Software)

4:3 (768x288 double height pixels)
F1008100 Command Ship (1995) (TBA Software)
F1026600 OddBall (1995) (Digital Psychosis)

8:5 (320x200)
F1011500 Diggers (1994) (Millennium Interactive)
F1021000 Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash (1991) (Krisalis Software)
F1026300 No Excuses (1991) (Arcana Software)

8:5 (640x400)
F1043300 Pushy II (1996) (FishNet Software)

21:17 (336x272)
F1032600 Sensible Soccer (1993) (Renegade)

46:27 (368x216)
F1015100 Fervour (1992) (Clares Micro Supplies)

19:13 (304x208)
F1037800 Warlocks (1993) (Network 23)

13:10 (312x240)
F1015400 Fire & Ice (1995) (Warner Interactive Entertainment)

183:97 (366x194)
F1017900 Gribbly's Day Out (1992) (Coin-Age)

23:16 (368x256)
F1024500 Grievous Bodily 'ARM (1992) (The Fourth Dimension)

151:104 (302x208)
F1021200 James Pond II Robocod (1993) (Eclipse)

3:2 (384x256)
F1021700 KV [v1.01] (1993) (High Risc Software Developments)

192:143 (384x286)
F1027800 Pesky Muskrats (1992) (Coin-Age)

41:24 and 3:2 (328x192 and 288x192)
F1030201 Raw Power (1993) (Software 42)
F1059405 Software 42 Collection: Raw Power (1993) (Eclipse)

13:9 (416x288)
F1051100 Swarm, The (1998) (Matthew Bloch)

10:9 (320x288) / 5:4 (320x256)
F1014100 E-Type II (1994) (The Fourth Dimension)
F1044900 E-Type II [RPC version] (2001) (The Fourth Dimension)
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