Games that mid-frame palette swap

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Games that mid-frame palette swap

Post by JonAbbott »

The following games may need patching to handle different refresh rates on IOC or IOMD:

F1017901 Gribbly's Day Out (1992) (Coin-Age)
F1049001 Champions: Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash (1992) (Krisalis Software)
F1015401 Fire & Ice (1995) (Warner Interactive Entertainment)
F1021001 Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash (1991) (Krisalis Software)
F1064901 Jahangir Khan World Championship Squash [BUZZ version] (1991) (Krisalis Software)
F1021101 James Pond (1990) (Krisalis Software)
F1059001 James Pond [BUZZ version] (1990) (Krisalis Software)
F1021201 James Pond II Robocod (1993) (Eclipse)
F1052501 James Pond II+ Robocod (1995) (Eclipse)
F1022701 Lemmings (1991) (Krisalis Software)
F1046901 Lemmings [Learning Curve version] (1991) (Krisalis Software)
F1022801 Lemmings 2: The Tribes (1994) (Krisalis Software)
F1062301 Lemmings 2: The Tribes [demo version] (1994) (Krisalis Software)
F1059801 Lemmings 2: The Tribes [SA version] (2001) (R-Comp Interactive)
F1023201 Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 (1992) (Krisalis Software)
F1026701 Oh, No! More Lemmings (1992) (Krisalis Software)
F1048501 Play It Again Sam 1: Rotor (1992) (Superior Software)
F1035901 S.W.I.V. (1992) (Krisalis Software)
F1056601 S.W.I.V. [BUZZ version] (1993) (Krisalis Software)
F1031601 Rotor (1989) (Arcana Software)
F1047315 Superior Collection v2, The: Rotor (2001) (ProAction)
F1057301 Zool - Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension [32bit version] (2002) (Gremlin Graphics)

Current status
F1007201 Caverns (Pointer position corrected on IOMD)
F1023201 Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 (disables LCDGameModes on IOC to work, not corrected on IOMD)
F1035901 SWIV (corrected on IOMD and IOC with LCDGameModes using timing set 0)
F1056601 SWIV [BUZZ version] (corrected on IOMD and IOC with LCDGameModes using timing set 0)
F1031601 Rotor (corrected on IOMD)
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