I saw you asking for testing support over in stardot. I recently got back into retro and happy to support where I can. I’ve got a Pi400 and A3000 with RISC OS 3.11. I have been using your tool to image with pretty good success - a few isssues relating to drop downs being blank and some crashes during compression (after a few successful images). I did update my my machine to Uniboot and that has fixed the drop down issue - I saw a post elsewhere about this being a c module issue.
I have a software background (mainly BBC 6502 in respect to the retro scene) and of course like most getting back into the scene getting pulled down the rabbit hole more and more!

Meanwhile - thanks for this amazing tool. Side note, I have a boxed copy of Ballerena my very first game! And thought all hope was lost when I tried to run it it corrupted the CMOS - after imaging it and running such old games under your tool - things are much safer!
Thanks again!