I've just discovered I have a ZIP of the Acorn User free release of BotKiller 2.
Does the project want a copy?
BotKiller 2 AU version
Re: BotKiller 2 AU version
Thanks, we've already released Botkiller 2 so don't require the AU version.
Re: BotKiller 2 AU version
IIRC, the version 0.72 that you have available is a pre-release with missing sound effects. The AU version is complete, along with finished scripting and level editing tools.
Re: BotKiller 2 AU version
As far as I'm aware it's the most recent official version, supplied to me by Artex software. I suppose it's possible the AU version was a modified version, but we wouldn't be able to release it, as we'd need approval from whoever now owns the rights to the AU software.