If you receive an error reporting it failed to find the keyboard, please post your keyboard USB$Device value, so I can add it to the supported list. You can manually force support in !Run by uncommenting and modifying the Set pitopUtils$DeviceID line.
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pi-top Utilities provides a battery level indicator, screen dimming, auto shutdown, pi-top speaker control and pi-top keyboard support.
The battery icon indicates the percentage of charge and powered status:
Hover the mouse over the icon for time information:
It also includes HID and USB keyboard drivers, which add the following features:
- Volume controls adjust pi-top speakers, or the RISC OS volume if none are available
- Brightness controls work
- left pi-top+SHIFT+| is |
- left pi-top+Left Arrow is Home
- left pi-top+Right Arrow is End/Copy
- left pi-top+Up Arrow is Page Up
- left pi-top+Down Arrow is Page Down
- left pi-top+DEL is Pause/Break
- right pi-top is the middle mouse button
- P-key / F-key behaviour is swapped by default, removing the requirement to hold Fn for the function keys (set in !Run)
- Dims the screen when there's no keyboard/mouse activity (timeout is set in !Run)
- Powers down the screen when the DPMS screen saver blanks the screen
- Powers down if left on the Wimp shutdown screen (4 sec by default, timeout can be set or disabled in !Run), pressing a key or the Restart button cancels the power down
- Can set the brightness to a default level when loaded (set in !Run)
Configuring a pi-top for gaming
If you're going to be using your pi-top for gaming, you'll also want to create a custom 50hz video mode so games such as Pac-mania have silky smooth scrolling.
Edit !Boot.Loader.CONFIG/TXT and add the following, remembering to comment out any previous video mode settings:
Code: Select all
# Custom 1360x768 50Hz
hdmi_cvt=1360 768 50 3 0 0 0