USBJoystick 0.12

USB Joystick driver for RISC OS 5
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Re: USB Joystick driver

Post by JonAbbott »

Finally had a chance to test 0.12. The ADC support is working perfectly along with the axis flip, I actually managed to get around the practice track in Saloon Cars without crashing...either in-game or the FPA. Could do with deadzones though, as its constantly drifting due to the oversensitivity of the game.

Speaking of Saloon Cars, have you figured out how to get the gears working via Analogue? The manual only shows how the steering wheel, clutch, brake and accelerator are wired, there's nothing about gear changing, but it is an option in-game.

I'll strip out all the Joystick_Read reentrancy code I added to ADFFS and see if those issues are also resolved, now there's no floats.
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Re: USB Joystick driver

Post by richw »

Excellent, thanks for trying it. I only had time to put it together and try my test application!

I need to make more mods to allow me to share channels on one axis. I also need to give Saloon Cars a proper try. Hopefully I will have a chance this week.

I hope you can remove your workarounds!
Posts: 3019
Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:13 pm
Location: Essex

Re: USBJoystick 0.12

Post by JonAbbott »

Moved to dedicated release area
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