blit_DA2_frame: sets up the following registers, then calls _1bit_mode, _2bit_mode, _4bit_mode or _8bit_mode to do the blit:
R0 - MEMC_Vinit
R1 - start of GPU framebuffer
R2-R11 - free to use by the blitting code
R12 - Palette table (256 words, containing a converted palette value ready to write to the GPU framebuffer)
other variables of use, which can be loaded/pre-setup as required:
vidc20_regs (table of VIDC20 registers)
+4 = HSWR
+88 = VCSR
+92 = VCER
+1 = IOC register 1
+31 = IOC register 31
IOC_ticks_per_raster IOC clock ticks per raster
HAL_vidc_list (VIDC type 3 list as passed by GraphicsV 2)
+44 = physical screen height
To access VIDC20 registers, setup a pointer register as follows:
Code: Select all
ADR R11, vidc20_regs - (VIDC20_HCR << 2)
Code: Select all
LDR R2, [R11, #VIDC20_<register name> << 2]
ADR R11, vidc20_regs - (VIDC20_HCR << 2)
LDR R2, [R11, #VIDC20_HDSR << 2]
IOC_ticks_per_raster should be set at the start of the frame blit to the numer of IOC clock ticks per raster.
IOC_timers should be called at the start of each raster, R4-R6 are corrupted on return.
NOTE: In adffs.aborts.ioc_abort IOC_timers - uncomment the IOC_ticks_per_raster code.