These are the settings I added to config.txt. I just picked a 50Hz mode at random.
I just played Pacmania to some of the later levels where things speed up. The tearing becomes much more noticable. A tear line appears about a third of the way up the screen from the bottom.
ADFFS 2.31 beta
- swirlythingy
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:58 pm
Re: ADFFS 2.31 beta
Glad (and surprised) I was able to be of some help. Wish I'd remembered about the ADFS_Retries call though!
I haven't personally tried ADFFS myself yet, but at the moment that's mainly a case of (a) time and (b) lack of games released which I want to play and don't already have working fine. (Magic Pockets I specifically hacked to bypass the copy protection myself, and I already have a fix for the tracker module.) Though now I check the list, I am quite tempted to give Chuck Rock a try...
I'm curious about exactly how they were corrupted? What was wrong with them? It couldn't have been a simple case of scrambled data if Chris could get as far as he did.JonAbbott wrote:EDIT: Every file was corrupt - how this hasn't been spotted until now I don't know. I've reuploaded all of them, so if you've previously downloaded any, I'd advise redownloading them.
I haven't personally tried ADFFS myself yet, but at the moment that's mainly a case of (a) time and (b) lack of games released which I want to play and don't already have working fine. (Magic Pockets I specifically hacked to bypass the copy protection myself, and I already have a fix for the tracker module.) Though now I check the list, I am quite tempted to give Chuck Rock a try...
Re: ADFFS 2.31 beta
I see the same thing with those settings, as I suspected it's where the abstracted 50Hz VSync is out of sync with the actual VSync. Once I've added the secondary buffer on the GPU that problem should go away.grannyg wrote:I just played Pacmania to some of the later levels where things speed up. The tearing becomes much more noticable. A tear line appears about a third of the way up the screen from the bottom.
I'd say I FTP'd to the server in ASCII instead of binary modeswirlythingy wrote:I'm curious about exactly how they were corrupted? What was wrong with them? It couldn't have been a simple case of scrambled data if Chris could get as far as he did.
I have the whole Krisalis back catalogue to release and there's a few others such as Dune 2 which I need to add CD-ROM support for. Chuck Rock is very close to working on the Pi, I just need to figure out why the prompt for disc 2 crashes, although I believe you're using a StrongARM, so not really relevant to yourself.swirlythingy wrote:I haven't personally tried ADFFS myself yet, but at the moment that's mainly a case of (a) time and (b) lack of games released which I want to play and don't already have working fine...Though now I check the list, I am quite tempted to give Chuck Rock a try...
Re: ADFFS 2.31 beta
I've now coded the dual GPU frame swapping and Pac-mania is running very smoothly using the settings above. The only drawback - the palette changes don't always take effect as RO and the game are fighting over who takes precedence.grannyg wrote:These are the settings I added to config.txt. I just picked a 50Hz mode at random.
I just played Pacmania to some of the later levels where things speed up. The tearing becomes much more noticable. A tear line appears about a third of the way up the screen from the bottom.
Once I've figured a way around that, I'll release a new beta.
Re: ADFFS 2.31 beta
It looks like the command buffer on the GPU is filling up, causing palette changes to be dropped. To work around that, I've added code to buffer palette changes and issue one change when swapping frames. This however not only makes it not so smooth, but the palette change doesn't take effect until the frame after.JonAbbott wrote:I've now coded the dual GPU frame swapping and Pac-mania is running very smoothly using the settings above. The only drawback - the palette changes don't always take effect as RO and the game are fighting over who takes precedence.
I suspect I need changes to the HAL in RISC OS before we can get Pac-mania smooth, with the correct colour palette.
Re: ADFFS 2.31 beta
This does explain why I had no joy with Magic Pockets then! Had thought I'd not set something up correctly, and as it was only a cursory experiment, didn't report it.
Will try it again now!
Will try it again now!