Are you just collecting games?

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Are you just collecting games?

Post by awilliams »

I have literally hundreds of Archimedes floppy discs, collected over a number of years working for Acorn Australia the majority of which are educational titles.

I have a working RISC PC but I have no idea what the process of imaging and contributing them might look like.

Is there a link to a page describing what to do? and is there a central repository for the images? I will make a start if there is.
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Re: Are you just collecting games?

Post by JonAbbott »

I originally had grand visions of archiving everything, however there's been very little interest in the project with only four non-game titles submitted to date and very few downloads of the games. I've spent six years on pretty much games so far and am only half way through, it's a mammoth undertaking sorting out scans and creating PDF's of manuals and if I'm honest, I don't see it hitting 100% as there's simply not enough time or money to continue with the project for much longer.

So, in answer to your overarching question, it's not only games, but I doubt I'll have time to do anything with them.

Regarding imaging, scanning, submitting etc. The ADFFS Help file details the requirements, however, if you have hundreds of discs to image using ADFFS is going to be a slow and daunting process. If you have access to a Kryoflux, that would be a quicker option, using a guided image to create both an ADF and Stream dump to cover any disc protection. For bulk submissions, there is an FTP site available which I can give access too, if requested via eMail.

Discs images on their own aren't much use, we also require 600DPI scans of the accompanying documentation and 300DPI scans of the packaging as nothing gets released unless it's complete. This is particularly relevent with educational titles, which quite often come with lots of material and in some cases, class packs which schools can photocopy and distribute to the class.

Assuming the scans and images are okay and the full archive created, the showstopper with most educational titles will be that either the publisher can't be located or refuses permission to release. If this happens, it sits on the archive server and never sees the light of day. Ideally the publisher needs tracking down and approval given, before anyone spends time on specific titles, in that way we can focus our energies on titles that can be released once fully archived.
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