Thundermonk (1989) (Minerva)

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Thundermonk (1989) (Minerva)

Post by JonAbbott »

Image Thundermonk (1989) (Minerva)

ID: 10367
Version: Unknown
Developer: Steve Minifie
Genre: Puzzle
RAM: 1024

CPU compatibility: ARM2 ARM250 ARM3 ARM610 ARM700 ARM710 ARM7500 StrongARM ARMv5+
OS compatibility: 3.11 3.5x 3.6x 3.7x 4.x 5.x

Legal info: Distribution rights granted to JASPP by Minerva

Download full archive: Image (1.1mb)

Download individual floppies: Image

Game info
To run the game use "Boot floppy" from the ADFFS Filer.

The Evil Demons have taken control of The Lonesome Monk's childhood home in his absense. The neighbouring peasants, led by local boy Jason, have tried in vain to gain back power. Brave horsemen bring The Lonesome Monk back from Crusade to lead the rebellion against The Evil Demons. When he catches signt of his valley The Lonesome Monk is enraged at the devastation caused by The Evil Demons. This is war!

You can now lead The Lonesome Monk through the labyrinths of the Monastery against The Evil Demons. Collect the hidden treasures en route, and use the Golden Keys to unlock the Doors of Destiny. Keep your eyes peeled for the secret passages. You too could walk through walls!

Image Image

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Re: Thundermonk (1989) (Minerva)

Post by nzjavert »

Awesome, You have no idea how long i have waited to play this game again. My Original disk was corrupted years ago. I was so annoyed i have kept the disk as a sad reminder of its death. sadly i have since sold my RO2 chipped A3000 so will have to use under emulation. Thankyou, thankyou thankyou!!!
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Re: Thundermonk (1989) (Minerva)

Post by nzjavert »

hrmm...I have tried so many things...I have managed to get the file to the point where it is a floppy disk file, but every time i try and load it, it fails and asks if the is disc formatted. I downloaded 3 times just to make sure it wasn't a glitch in the download but to no avail. another issue is when I just double click to load it into adffs it crashes and i have to reboot. Anyone else using va5000 classic os? I used sparkplug to extract the files and that was the only one i could get to work. It has been several years since i last used a risc machine and have forgotten more than i remember now. any help would be great.

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Re: Thundermonk (1989) (Minerva)

Post by JonAbbott »

ADFFS doesn't work under most emulators, VA5000 being one of them, most simply don't emulate the machines accurately enough. However, there's a thread detailing how to get VA5000 to open a floppy and which emulators to use here. I'd advice switching to Red Squirrel, a page with download links for most emulators can be found here.
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Re: Thundermonk (1989) (Minerva)

Post by nzjavert »

Hi John, Well it has only been 5 years since i posted about this game. I finally got around to getting myself a raspberry pi as I had given up on getting my hands on a working Acorn machine. I downloaded Thundermonk from here and had a play. WOW! I forgot just how great and challenging this game was! I passed level 1 first time as if i had never stopped playing it. Then i got to level 2 and it took a couple of tries to get passed it. back into level 3 and get quite a ways into it and have completely forgotten how to get through..hahaha. One thing I do love about this version of the game unlike the original disk i had, the game no longer restarts when i accidently push 3 keys at once which was a great hair puller back in the day. I bought the Pi400 as it is a nice compact machine. Everything runs so smooth. I did this about 6 weeks ago......then something even more wonderful a4000 came up for sale at a reasonable price and I jumped on it. Time to fire up my old original Thundermonk disk. IT WORKED!!! I was gob smacked :) I just wanted to say a big thankyou for working on this site and software, also keeping the passion alive for others.
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Re: Thundermonk (1989) (Minerva)

Post by Nickcantan »

Could I get an .adf file of Thundermonk as I’ve got the Arculator running so just want to load it without all the complications!
I have the original floppy but I haven’t got means to extract the file.
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